Hamtramck, City (Wayne, MI)

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Community and Economic Development (CED)


About CED

The Community and Economic Development (CED) Department of Hamtramck serves the most culturally diverse residents in Michigan.  The goal of the department is to work with all community stakeholders to improve quality of life in Hamtramck.  CED is the primary contact and liaison for the City’s Plan Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, Special Events, Arts and Culture Commission, Beautification Commission, and Downtown Development Authority. To preserve and expand Hamtramck’s community and economic growth, CED is structured around the following core services: business support and economic development; community outreach and events; planning and zoning services.

Duties & Responsibilities

From the Code of Ordinances, § 32.062: Community and Economic Development Director; Appointment; Requirements; Term of Office; Power and Duties
A) Appointment.
(1) The City Council shall appoint a Community and Economic Development Director.
(2) The Community and Economic Development Department shall be under the supervision of the director of Community and Economic Development, who shall be responsible for the preparation of a plan and program for the orderly development of the city.
(B) Requirements. No person may be considered for the position that does not possess at least a four-year undergraduate degree in public administration, marketing, architecture, historic preservation, advertising, journalism, planning, business, or related field.
(C) Term of office. The City Council, through either a separate policy or employment agreement, shall establish the term of this position as well as salary and other conditions of employment.
(D) Power and duties.
(1) The Director shall be responsible for the preparation of needed revisions and adjustments to the community plan, as determined by the City Planning Commission and City Council.
(2) The Director shall be responsible for the preparation of basic information and data required by other departments in connection with the preparation or execution of any planning program.

For the City’s current zoning ordinances, zoning map, and various zoning and planning application forms, please navigate to the Planning and Zoning topic below

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Contact Information

CED Offices

Address: 3401 Evaline Street, Mezzanine Hamtramck, MI 48212
Phone: 313-800-5233 ext. 818
Email: ced@hamtramckcity.gov

Interim CED and DDA Manager

Isabel Allaway

Phone: 313-800-5233 ext. 316
Email: iallaway@hamtramckcity.gov

Assistant CED and DDA Manager

Michal Miszcak

Phone: 313-800-5233 ext. 332
Email: mmiszcak@hamtramckcity.gov

Economic Recovery Coordinator

Alessandro Uribe-Rheinbolt

Phone: 313-800-5233 ext. 301
Email: auribe-rheinbolt@hamtramckcity.gov

Volunteer Coordinator 

Max Gilginas

Phone: 313-800-5233 ext. 326
Email: mgilginas@hamtramckcity.gov

Sustainability Intern (Student Position) 


Phone: 313-800-5233 ext. 307
Email: beautification@hamtramckcity.gov

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